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EDSA Introduces Paladin® Real-Time Energy Management Advisor; Helps Assess, Reduce Mission-Critical Facility Energy Costs

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – January 27, 2009 –EDSA Micro Corp. (www.edsa.com), the leading provider of Power System Analytics solutions for electrical power system modeling and diagnostics, today introduced an important new enhancement to its Paladin Live™ platform: the means to allow companies to isolate and reduce energy inefficiencies in their mission-critical facilities. 

The Paladin Live Real-Time Energy Management Advisor™ helps companies assess and reduce their energy costs in three principal ways, by:. 

Increasing energy efficiency by showing precisely where, when, and how energy is being consumed, in order to assess where opportunities for energy saving may exist… and even enable facility personnel to conduct detailed, what-if simulations of energy efficiency strategies;

Improving facility reliability and productivity by enabling facility operators to understand the real-time “system health” of their power infrastructure, in order to enact preventative measures.  By detecting even the tiniest variations between the “as-is” and “as-designed” states of their power system, the Paladin platform helps to preempt costly system failures and energy inefficiencies;

Enhancing profitabilityby enabling facility operators to fully understand the capacity and energy requirements of their present power system. This enables facility operators to develop strategies for maximizing their existing facilities before embarking on costly renovations or relocations.

Because of their reliance on electrical power – as well as the enormous costs associated with energy and energy-related problems – energy management is a huge concern for “C” level executives in all industries. These factors, plus public/investor pressure to be as environmentally responsible as possible, make energy planning a vital corporate priority. 

Paladin Live’s “model-based” architecture enables organizations to:

Conduct model-based analyses of the power/energy network, to ensure the highest possible levels of accuracy and energy efficiency;

Perform “What-If” simulations, to allow users to see the impact of decisions before implementing/investing in them… or simply test drive energy-saving ideas that could not be conducted on live infrastructure;

Create vendor-neutral forensic analyses that protects customers’ investment in their current infrastructure; keeping them from unnecessarily replacing mission critical equipment.

Never before has such a complete power management solution been available to the industry,” said Mark A. Ascolese, chairman and CEO of EDSA. “The Paladin Real-Time Energy Management platform speaks to executives in a language they understand, providing them with hard metrics and tools to make changes to their power infrastructure and to perform what-if scenarios to determine the energy savings and reliability impact.”

“With the introduction of this new platform, EDSA is delivering one of the most effective solutions yet towards achieving our national goal of improving energy efficiency,” Ascolese added. “By offering real-time, actionable information 24/7/365, we allow facility operators to make changes to their enterprise that will help them save money and increase reliability at the same time.” 

When combined with EDSA’s Paladin Reports™, the platform’s standard energy report, and EDSA’s Blackboard Simulator the Energy Module allows users to see what the changes would mean to the Green Grid’s standards of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) by retroactively showing the change to both over any previous time period and to predict future results based on anticipated changes to the users’ power infrastructure. The energy management platform is designed to be both powerful and flexible so that changes to rate structures, metrics, formats and other elements are easily accomplished without affecting the mission of the Paladin Live system.

According to new electrical power efficiency standards developed by the global IT association, The Green Grid, there are three levels of PUE and DCiE monitoring: Stage One consists of manual data collection and tabulation; Stage Two consists of automated data collection and tabulation at a facility level; Stage Three consists of automated data collection and tabulation at an individual server level.  With today’s announcement Paladin Live surpasses the milestones established for Stage Two, and is the ideal platform to meet the best practices standards for Stage Three.

EDSA’s Paladin Real Time Energy Management platform is a standard feature that will be included on all Paladin Live systems regardless of size, and is available to any Paladin Live customer with a current professional services agreement from EDSA.   For more information on EDSA’s powerful energy saving software solutions, please visit: www.edsa.com or call (800) 362-0603.

About EDSA Micro Corporation
EDSA develops software solutions for the computer-aided design, modeling, real-time analysis, energy management, and preventative maintenance of complex electrical power systems. For more than 25 years, the Company’s Paladin® software products have been used in thousands of commercial, industrial, governmental, and military applications worldwide, to protect more than $100 billion in customer assets, while reducing their energy consumption. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., the Company maintains sales, distribution, and support offices around the world. For more information about EDSA and its products, visit www.edsa.com.

EDSA, Paladin, and Power Analytics are trademarks of EDSA Micro Corporation.

Corp.(www.edsa.com) the leading provider of power safety software – today unveiled the Paladin® Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor™, the industry’s first software program that enables organizations to make up-to-date assessments of changing arc flash hazards. By maintaining an uninterrupted, 360 degree view of the facility and its potential arc flash hazards, Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Analytics can provide detailed, updated advisories for site personnel regarding the appropriate safety procedures and protective gear recommended to work in a given vicinity.

Though electrical accidents represent a statistically small percentage of all work-related incidents, they are disproportionately fatal: according to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), electrical injuries in the workplace – in particular, phenomena called “arc flash” accidents – result in the death of a facilities worker every 28 hours… even in facilities that have passed formal inspections within recent months.

“Even the best-designed, regularly-inspected facility has arc flash threats that emerge after the inspectors leave, because of changes made within the facility, equipment getting swapped out, and maintenance procedures requiring workers to access off-limits areas for repairs,” said Mark A. Ascolese, chairman and CEO of EDSA. “The Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor is the first software product that can perform intelligent calculations about potential arc flash threats in real-time… an effective way to help enhance worker safety in-between required OSHA inspections.”

Understanding the Arc Flash Threat
As defined by IEEE and the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), arc flash is a strong electric current – and sometimes a full-blown explosion – that passes through air when insulation between electrified conductors is no longer sufficient to contain the voltage within them. This creates a “short cut” that allows electricity to race from conductor-to-conductor… to the extreme detriment of any worker standing nearby. Arc flash resembles a lightning bolt-like charge, emitting heat four times the surface temperature of the sun; anyone exposed to the blast or heat without sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) would be severely – and oftentimes fatally – injured.

During a seven-year study conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2,576 U.S. workers died and another 32,807 sustained lost-time injuries – losing an average of 13 days away from work – due to electrical shock or burn injuries. These statistics were validated in a second study involving more than 120,000 employees that determined arc flash injuries accounted for 77% of all recorded electrical injuries.

New Real-Time Protection
Used in conjunction with the Company’s Paladin® Live™ platform, the Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor maintains an uninterrupted watch over site operations – continually checking all components, equipment, and systems – to make intelligent recommendations about where potential arc flash hazards have the potential to emerge, and gauge their severity.

Prior to entering the area and beginning work, site personnel simply query the Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor: the system responds with an up-to-date recommendation on the appropriate safety procedures and PPE necessary to work in the vicinity. Recommendations are based upon IEEE 1584 and the NFPA 70E standards entitled, ”IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations” and “Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces” respectively.

For example, when performing repairs to equipment in which a worker could accidentally be exposed to an electrical hazard, Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor will provide specific guidance on gloves, clothing, goggles, helmet, etc., that the worker should wear to increase his or her safety in the event of an accident. Forewarned about the nature of the threat, workers will be able to proceed with a higher degree of knowledge about specific safety risks they may encounter.

Pricing & Availability
EDSA’s Paladin Real-Time Arc Flash Advisor is available immediately as an optional feature, priced at $35,000, for use in conjunction with the Company’s Paladin Live analytics platform; entry-level pricing for Paladin Live is $20,000 for a Class 1, 500-channel system. Currently, Paladin Live is available only in North America.

About EDSA Micro Corporation
EDSA develops software solutions for the computer-aided design, modeling, real-time analysis, energy management, and preventative maintenance of complex electrical power systems. For more than 25 years, the Company’s Paladin® software products have been used in thousands of commercial, industrial, governmental, and military applications worldwide, to protect more than $100 billion in customer assets, while reducing their energy consumption. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., the Company maintains sales, distribution, and support offices around the world. For more information about EDSA and its products, visit www.edsa.com.

EDSA, Paladin, and Power Analytics are trademarks of EDSA Micro Corporation.